"In Africa, you do not view death from the auditorium of life, as a spectator, but from the edge of the stage, waiting only for your cue. You feel perishable, temporary, transient. You feel mortal. Maybe that is why you seem to live more vividly in Africa. The drama of life there is amplified by its constant proximity to death. That's what infuses it with tension. It is the essence of its tragedy too. People love harder there. Love is the way that life forgets that it is terminal. Love is life's alibi in the face of death."
--Peter Godwin

Monday, February 22, 2010

Updates and such

Again I find myself with so much to write, and no idea where to begin. A few recent updates seem especially relevant:
> I moved out of my apartment this weekend and in with Jean, the executive director, and her husband temporarily. I must admit, the lack of transport combined with rudimentary furnishings made living alone incredibly lonely. I feel much more at ease, already, to have the sound of people in the morning and conversation in the evening.
> I have been appointed a new project here at the clinic, which is to teach group therapy techniques to the social welfare department. I really think this rounds out my workload in terms of experience/challenges and interests. Keep plugging away at the SV prevention program and the post-natal clinic. Crossing my fingers that it is ready to open at the beginning of April.
> I received some very wonderful news (inadvertently) that my lovely boyfriend Ari is coming to visit in April! My supervisor is pushing me to take a few weeks off work and travel as apparently in SA the standard minimum amount of yearly time off is 3 weeks. Glorious! Travel plans yet to be determined, but it is just around the time I will have to renew my tourist visa and thus leave the country.

Summer marches on, and I have acquired quite a tan by now thanks for hours and hours by the pool. I am including that note just for all you on the East Coast who are suffering through snow and chill ... you are always welcome in South Africa!

Above is a picture from my Lion Park experience. 
Kruger Park, here I come ...


  1. I love reading all about what you're doing - it all sounds so amazing! And what's this about a boyfriend?? :-) Keep posting!

  2. Katie, I'm so glad your supervisor is encouraging you to take a few weeks off work!!! Mine seems angry I want to take off even a week! Yay for travel, I can't wait to hear about your adventures.

  3. i second what anna said! how nice that you're being encouraged to take time off!!
